Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Saturday Seminars
February 26
Birds in the Garden
Big Blooomers helps you to create the perfect garden home for your feathered friends, from the best plants, to bird houses, feeders and bird baths.
March 26
Container Gardening for Spring
April 30
Perennials for Spring and Summer
May 28
Gardening and Cooking with Herbs
June 25
Creating a Cutting Garden
July 30
Gardening Q & A Session-Bring us your questions
August 27
Gardening 101 - Growing a Green Thumb

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Saturday Seminar-February 26, 2011

Our next Saturday Seminar will be February 26, 2011


"Gardening for our Feathered Friends"

We will have plenty of perennials in four packs such as columbine and foxglove that can be planted now for spring bloom

Can't wait to see you all!